Maintenance Programs

Important Information:
Why is important to Winterize your system?
Winterizing Protects Your Sprinkler Head from Irreparable Damage. Water can, and often does, get trapped inside the sprinkler heads themselves. When this water freezes it expands and the resulting pressure can cause your sprinkler heads to pop off and break.
Why is irrigation Start up important?
Irrigation Start-Up It is important to inspect all the valves, every sprinkler head, water line and to properly schedule the controller for a season of efficient watering. You may be more comfortable with dedicated landscape maintenance professional to tune up your system, but you can complete the initial inspection
Services Plans available
Winterization $100 (up to 12 Zones) Extra zone $5
Spring Strat up $100 (Up to 12 Zones) Extra zone $5
$10 off if you get both services.
(571) 758-9946 & (540) 532-4684